Sunday 20 March 2016

Corporate Cowgirls

Lou puts a brave face on lingering insecurities when former coworkers from the high-powered career she gave up become customers at her corporate equine retreat. Caleb bails on leading the trail ride, and Amy helps Lou, despite her planned dinner with Ty, and takes Copper, despite Mallory's protests. When Amy is gone, Mallory decides to take Spartan on a ride but loses him and finds him eating poisoned grass, and Ty has to save his life before Amy gets back. One of Lou's friends kisses Tim, and she gets mad. Lou admits Scott said no to her proposal because he wasn't sure. They broke up.

Lou's NY friends come to the dude ranch. 

The girls pick out their horses. 

Lou and Amy take the girls on a trail ride. 

Mallory rides Spartan. 

Mallory loses Spartan. 

Mallory finds Spartan eating grass. 

Ty and Mallory find Spartan sick from the grass. 

Ty searches to find how to help Spartan. 

Ty works to save Spartan. 

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