Sunday 20 March 2016

Holding Fast

Out for a ride along the river, Amy comes across an RCMP officer trying to save a young boy from drowning. She tries to help his horse, who will no longer go by water, and she ends up helping both the horse and the officer. Lou is trying to figure out her relationship with Scott. Lisa is avoiding Jack, who thinks she is going to dump him. Mallory tries to get rid of Jake.

An officer saves a young boy. 

Amy helps the officers horse and goes for help. 

Amy and Ty go for a ride. 

The officer asks Amy to help his horse who's afraid of water. 

The officers horse loves Sugarfoot. 

Amy uses Sugarfoot to help. 

He follows Sugarfoot through the water. 

Ashley starts barrel racing. 

Amy and Ty try to help the officer. 

Amy gets him to bond with his horse. 

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